About Us Medi Fusion Co., Ltd.
メディカル・サービス法人 “メディ・フュージ” は、
待合室でおこなわれてきた患者さん一人一人へのカウンセリングから得た「よりよいモノを身の回りに置く」ことの大切さ、そして “Medi= 医療 と Fusion=融合” するものをお届けする、というコンセプトで、始まりました。
Medi-Fusion Co.,Ltd., are a medical service company, cooperate with an allergy clinic, developing and selling products aimed for total care to create the optimal environment for treatment.
Based on the counseling for each patient in the waiting room of the clinic, we started with the concept, the importance of “keeping better things around” that is “Fusion” of “Medi = medical care”.
経営理念 / Management Philosophy
We contribute to society by providing products and services for total care based on clinical usefulness.
事業方針 /Our Business
我々は環境に配慮し、地球、人、あらゆる生物に優しい社会をつくって行くための取り組みや、CSR「Corporate Social Responsibility」を第一として活動していく想いに賛同くださる方々と融合し(Fusion)、ご縁を頂いた仲間とベクトルを合わせて事業を展開します。
Our business priority is to create a society that is friendly to the environment, the earth, people, and all living things, with the idea of activating with CSR “Corporate Social Responsibility”. We develop our business with the people understanding our policy and having same vectors in good relationship.
事業内容 /We work for
・医療・介護・教育現場のQOL(Quality Of Life生活の質)の向上のための活動
Developing, manufacturing, wholesaling, and sales of products which are;
・Environmental friendly, taking global environment conservation into account.
・Improve and prevent modern-day diseases such as allergic diseases and atopic dermatitis
Working for:
・To improve quality of life (QOL) in medical, nursing care, and educational place.
・To protect animals and plants.
・To support events for local communities and conservation activities for cultural properties.
Product製 品

「衣」Fabric for All and Sensitive Skin

「食」Food Safety and Efficacy

「住」Sustainable Life Style